Sleepy Eddy Gift Cardigan

Elsgared Ferrer

2011年03月30日 02:12

Tadaima!!! Hello again Everyone!!!
I am sorry I have been gone for very long time.
I have been a little busy with RL.
My trip to Osaka, Japan was wonderful and I enjoy it alot
so sad what has happen lately with the tsunami and earthquake, my prayers with everyone in Japan.

I have recently gotten a new Group Gift from Sleepy Eddy store
It is a nice jacket/shirt layer cardigan with prim sleeves and bottom hem.

[Sleepy Eddy] V-Neck cardigan (Striped) Group Gift

Join Group to get new group gift, also 2 old LBs still available to get

Sleepy Eddy Main store, TeRi TaMa (8, 73, 2001)

I will now continue again to look for wonderful gifts, LB, etc for everyone again.
Thank you for your support of my blog and always coming back to check it daily~ (*^.^)/