!129129 LB Shirt & Cardigan

Elsgared Ferrer

2011年04月02日 03:01

!129129 has a new mainstore now at minaHeavens island Sim
and there is so many different clothing available to purchase!
Really very big new store now! Very fun to explore~
There is 3 LBs available to get right now.

!129129**054 LONG Tshirt WVC(Blue) LB

!129129**048 Cardigan StarS LB
!129129**048 Cardigan Star LB
Both versions in same LB.

!129129**023_underpants_7 Colors LB

3 LBs available to get in the Mainstore

!129129 Men's clothes shop, minaHeavens island (182, 74, 29)