B@R Hunt Halloween Wizard

Elsgared Ferrer

2010年10月30日 03:01

The hunt is very cute and fun and the theme is
(Honey Potter & the Deathly Halloween- Oh and
Amechans) the prizes you collect as you visit the various
scenes June has set up all around the 3 sims with
his and hers SE magician coats as the prizes!

1. After you arrive at Chapter 1 click the message board to get the hint for the chapter, and left click the target/item you are to hunt out.

2. If it is the right target, the Buy window will open. Please buy it for 0 linden. You will receive items and the LM for the next chapter.

3. Please go to next chapter using the provided LM, and get the hint from the board on next chapter.
Have 4 Chapters, please try them all.

Notice: Sometimes the buy option does not open if you are far from the target, through use of the camera. Please try to move closer if this happens.

Additional Hunt:
If you think it was easy to finish the hunt, we have a more difficult one for you. You can find the extra information in the last notecard, which is in the last item's folder. Enjoy!

P r o l o g u e

On Halloween night, a candy assortment was delivered to your home. You had no idea who sent it to you, but the address is yours undoubtedly. You don’t know what you should do with it. Suddenly, a candy pops up from the box!

"Hello! Salty people! I’m Honey Potter, an Amechan, sweet candy people. You are selected by my fortune-telling, congratulations!"
You are surprised, but he keeps speaking to you.

"My School was captured by evil the Amechan, Voldemousse. Also my friend, Hermiberry, was captured by him too!"
You remember something similar happened about the same time last year too. Amechans seem to love you so much.

"Please come to our shelter if you're ready!"

C1 ::: B@R ::: (Male) Magician Hunt Gift (Also have Female version)

Additional ::: B@R ::: Choco Cargo

::: barerose haute couture ::: V, Black Cat (169, 248, 403)

Preview of Hunt area~